Residence La Dorada of Posch Hugo
Strada Col Pradat, 49
I - 39033 Colfosco
Phone: +39 0471 836206
Fax: +39 0471 832933
E-mail: info@ladorada.it
Website: www.ladorada.it
VAT No. IT01631410212
Regulatory Identification Code (CIN): IT021026B4K3WVPW65
Design, concept, realisation & hosting
Str. Costadedoi, 69
39030 San Cassiano (BZ)
VAT No. IT03012000216
Copyright on images:
F.Planinschek, Interpromotion, Ski School Colfosco, Cross County Ski School Alta Badia, Maps Icons Collection
Copyright on texts:
All content found on the website www.ladorada.it is copyrighted by law. All rights, including translations, are reserved. Without the express written permission, users are prohibited from making copies or reproductions of any kind.
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Our website contains links to the external websites of third parties. We have no control over and can therefore accept no liability for the content of such websites. Liability for the content of linked sites always lies with the provider or operator of the site in question. Linked sites are examined for possible legal breaches at the time the link is set up. No illegal content was evident at this time. However we have no responsibility to continually monitor the content of linked sites in the absence of concrete evidence of a violation of the law. We shall remove such links immediately upon receiving knowledge of an infringement.
Strada Col Pradat, 49